Three centuries for the answe - ahsowrov408 - 04-06-2023
He realizes that at the beginning of the th century he does not have the resources to solve this interesting problem. The world has to wait three centuries for the answer, which comes with Xray crystallography, which shows in detail the fine structure of water molecules in ice crystals. Another seventeenthcentury man who became fascinated by the structure of ice crystals was the microscopist Robert Hooke.
In Hooke included sketches of snow crystals in his Micrographia. The American farmer and microphotographer Wilson A. Bentley should not go unmentioned. He mobile number list photographs about five thousand ice crystals, of which he publishes the two thousand most beautiful. Why is each snow crystal unique? De rijkvertakte sneeuw of ijskristallen uit de plaatjesboekenook die van Bentleyzijn eigenlijk karikaturen van de werkelijkheid.
Ze zijn net zo min representatief voor hét sneeuwkristal als Arnold Schwarzenegger is voor dé man. De vertakkingen heten dendrieten, naar het Griekse woord dendros voor boom; ze ontstaan alleen maar bij zeer bepaalde atmosferische condities. Anders ontstaan er sterren, zeshoekige platen, kolommetjes, naalden of zelfs hagelstenen.