Welcome to Shanghai Jhear Electronics!

Introduction to OTC 2023 Version of Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Program Go

Why choose us??

Rich industry experience

More than 20 years of voice communication VOIP platform development, technical maintenance, and market expansion experience
Based on Windows, Linux and other system platform development experience
Remote service and adjustment experience,
rich hearing aid industry market and fitting software development experience, providing consulting services for many hearing aid companies

Strategic cooperation with cutting-edge companies and benchmarking companies

Strategic cooperation with major international manufacturers and other domestic solution companies

Cooperate with domestic solution companies and hearing aid benchmarking companies

Resource integration of the hearing aid industry supply chain system Resources of
hearing aid system modules: microphone, speaker, signal processor, antenna design, charging solution, wireless solution
Upstream chip industry of the hearing aid industry, supporting software algorithms, fitting software, and downstream sales channels, market consultants

Our Products and Services

Rich experience in hearing aid industry market and fitting software development, providing consulting services for many hearing aid companies, resource integration of hearing aid industry supply chain system
Low power consumption
Switchable between hearing aids and headphones
wireless teaching
Tour guide industry
home tv
Wireless fitting partner, supporting our fitting software (or third-party fitting software), so that both users and fitting specialists can participate in fitting Upstream chip industry of the hearing aid industry, supporting software algorithms, fitting software, and downstream sales channels, market consultants